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Born and raised in Wales, the land of dragons.

Fluent in both Welsh and English.

Graduated from Cardiff University with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and its Applications degree in 2013.

Transitioned from developing standalone applications to full stack web development.

My interest in creating software solutions started all the way back in secondary school. I built an application for a shop system using Microsoft Access as part of a project. Seeing the interface and experience change through modifying a few lines of code was fascinating to me. I went on to study Mathematics at university but took as many Computer Science modules as possible. I built my first Java application, a hangman game, and used C++ to learn about parallel processing and image processing. I had a really exciting final year project working with the Welsh Rugby Union modelling line-out strategies using game theory, Monte Carlo simulation and Python.

Fresh from university, I started my career as a C++ developer at a gambling games company creating virtual casino games. I created a roulette game that saw a total value played increase of 700% when compared to the average game. I moved in to a lead position in a newly created online development team within the company and that’s where my interest in web development began. The more I explored the rich ecosystem of web technologies, the more I realised this was the path for me. I was offered a new role at a consultancy firm and led the development of a virtual engagement product that allowed mandatory public consultations to continue throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, culminating in an internal award for digital product of the year.

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I've used a lot of different technologies during my time as a developer. Here's what I enjoy the most and use on a day-to-day basis.


I take a lot of pride in creating accessible applications; the web is for everyone.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • React
  • MUI
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Next.js


I value clean and modular design with a focus on code reuse and readability.

  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • NestJS
  • Prisma
  • TypeORM
  • Strapi
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB


I try to make the developer experience for deploying code as seamless as possible.

  • GitHub
  • GitHub Actions
  • Azure
  • Azure Pipelines
  • AWS
  • Vercel

Life isn’t all about work. Here are some things I like to do in my downtime to have fun and relax.

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I really enjoy going on adventures! This could be anything from hiking local routes to travelling half way around the world to explore new areas.

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Growing up I participated in many different individual and team sports such as karate, golf and football. These days I climb, practice karate katas and play various racquet sports as a means to keep fit.

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Ever since playing Duck Hunt on my very first console, the NES, I've enjoyed video games. I mostly play RPG games, with The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind a personal favourite of mine. Team Fortress 2 and Overwatch have been my go to FPS games.

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Having my own green space to get away from technology has been beneficial in many different ways. There's also something quite satisfying about growing your own fruit and vegetables.